Young Life Russia

Ways to Get Involved

Send a Kid to Camp

Kids consistently tell us that Young Life camp is the best week of their lives. That's a rousing (and unsolicited) endorsement! But how else would you describe a week where deep relationships are forged in the midst of mind-boggling fun and you experience and listen to what we believe is the greatest love story ever told?

Consider sending a child to camp this summer to experience Jesus and have the best week of their life!

Support Local Staff

Young Life is a family. And because we are a family, we get to know each person on our staff.

If you had an opportunity to meet one of these truly remarkable servant leaders and would like to sponsor them individually, you can do this right here.

Your investment will help them nurture a healthy ministry and take care of their own spiritual growth. ​

join russia action team

Would you like to join a group of people passionate about Young Life in Russia and learn more about the ministry? Are you curious about what a day in a life of a Russian Young Life leader is about? Or maybe you are wondering about what spreading the gospel in a traditionally Orthodox spiritual culture might look like?

If so, we are inviting you to check out one of our virtual Action Team meetings. Click below to get in touch. ​

Give to YL Russia

Current political situation in Russia is having a significant impact on the lives and hearts of kids. Our staff is committed to investing in kids and introducing them to Jesus especially during this time of uncertainty and turmoil.

Camps and clubs will continue to take place all throughout the country. We invite you to come alongside our staff and help them bring the hope of Jesus to Russian kids who now more than ever need to hear the good news. ​

Sponsor a DGL Student

Students who are a part of the Developing Global Leadership Program (DGL) in Russia are committed to growth and have a passion for kids.

When you sponsor a DGL student, you are giving them a rare opportunity to receive a college degree in Russia and continue on the path of impacting their community with the Gospel.

Go & Serve

Come and see! The best way to learn about what Young Life in Russia is about is by going and serving at one of the camps or helping with one of our projects.

Unfortunately at this time all travel to Russia is terminated. If you would like to receive updates on other opportunities to serve in the YL Russia ministry stateside, sign up below.

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